Ash Wood Bowl | Salad Bowl | Buy it online today
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Serve up salads, fruit, nuts, popcorn etc. with style or just have an amazing handcrafted Ash bowl centrepiece adorn your table.   This bowl contains some beautiful heartwood dark colouring over large sections of the bowl and the rest of the surface area is in contrast.  This bowl turns inward subtely at the top giving it an extra dimension.


This bowl comes from Tralee Co. Kerry. The tree it came from was taken down as part of a new development and I managed to stop it from being turned into firewood.  Ash is my most favourite wood to work with and this tree turned out to be very special indeed. I used to live in Oakpark where this tree came from so it adds a touch of nostalgia for me too.


Finish sanded to a highly smooth touch.  For food convenience, it is coated with Hampshire Sheen Food-Safe Danish Oil and burnished to a low lustre shine using very fine wool. See After Care page for details.


Because of the durable finish, this bowl can also just be used for display long term. Please note that washing the bowl will change or diminish the shine on the surface.


Dimensions 270mm x 86mm or 10 5/8 x 3 3/8 inches approx


Unboxed weight 0.808 grams


Please Note: You can save on the shipping costs by arranging to collect the bowl or have a designated person pick it up for you.  Just pay for the item and select Pick Up option for free.

Food-Safe bowl in Tralee Ash

SKU: 00203
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  • It's very hard to judge a wood product by photographs alone so if you would like to see any of my products before buying please use the site contact form and I will get back to you. Christmas is fast approaching so please don't delay.

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